
What is Moxibustion?

Mugwort leaves are dried and ground into small sticks or cones called moxa (similar to incense), which are then lit and used to warm points on your body and relieve a variety of conditions. The heat generated through moxa can help to warm the channels and increase the flow of energy throughout the body.

Why Mugwort?

Mugwort (Artemesia Vulgaris) has been used throughout history for medicinal purposes. Heated mugwort produces an acrid spicy essence that also helps stimulate blood flow. The herb burns slowly, making it perfect for a moxibustion therapy.

Mugwort can travel through the 12 meridians, which carry energy throughout the body. By using moxa we are able to regulate qi and blood, dispel cold, warm yang and prevent diseases to maintain overall well-being.

Fun fact! Mugwort is proven to increase beneficial blood circulation in the pelvic area. Women have used it for years to stimulate and ease menstruation. In modern times, acupuncturists use it to treat menstrual cramps. Moxibustion is also a natural option used to turn breech presentation babies in the womb to the head-down position for birth.

Moxibustion Risks

A moxa cone placed directly on the skin and ignited is called direct moxibustion, while the moxa kept at certain distance from the skin is called indirect moxibustion. There are many different styles of performing moxibustion.

There is a minor risk using the indirect moxibustion method, other than an allergic reaction if you have a mugwort allergy or smoke sensitivity. Some people who have a lung condition like asthma may find the smoke or odor irritating.

Direct moxibustion poses more risks, but a licensed practitioner will have the skills to ensure the best treatment and safety from accidental burning.

What does Moxibustion feel like?

For most patients, moxibustion feels like a flood of warmth along the designated meridian pathway from the application site. The heat can radiate along the channel utilized. If you feel this, it is normal and the desired result. It will stimulate blood circulation.

For many patients, the moxibustion treatment is soothing and relaxing.