Cosmetic Acupuncture
Facial acupuncture, also known as cosmetic acupuncture or facial rejuvenation, is a time-honored treatment designed to enhance the appearance of the skin and face by improving internal health, vitality, and circulation. This holistic approach not only targets skin concerns like wrinkles and inflammation but also addresses underlying health and emotional factors that contribute to skin issues. In recent years, facial acupuncture has gained popularity as a natural alternative to Botox, offering a comprehensive treatment that promotes both external and internal well-being.
Cosmetic acupuncture aims to create tiny micro-traumas in the dermis, which the body naturally responds to with a healing cascade. When the body is injured, this healing cascade brings attention to the area and delivers proteins for rebuilding. The procedure is a non-surgical method of reducing the signs of the aging process that will help improve complexion by triggering micro-trauma to the skin and resulting in firmer skin, reduction in wrinkles, tightening of jowls by increasing the blood flow to the facial muscles and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin.
This session provides extended time and advanced techniques to enhance your treatment. Enjoy a soothing neck, shoulder, and face massage, along with facial guasha sculpting and/or cupping. Following facial and body acupuncture, relax under an LED facial light to boost collagen and elastin. Designed for deep relaxation, facial tension release, and glowing skin.
Cosmetic acupuncture offers gentle, subtle changes, making it an excellent alternative to harsher cosmetic treatments. Many patients notice immediate improvements, such as a lifted face, a more defined jawline, and smoother, more supple skin. They also experience greater relaxation in the muscles of the face, neck, shoulders, and chest. This is because I dedicate time to opening areas with specialized techniques before inserting the needles, enhancing the treatment's effectiveness and longevity. For those on the 10-session package, more lasting changes typically become noticeable around the fifth or sixth treatment.
The speed of results from cosmetic acupuncture varies depending on the patient’s age and skin condition. Typically, one weekly treatment for 10-12 weeks is recommended, but for faster results, two weekly treatments for 5-6 weeks may be more effective. Repeated treatments are necessary to enhance collagen production in the skin for noticeable and lasting results.
I recommend monthly maintenance treatments to maintain the results after completing the 10-12 treatment series. This means every 4-6 weeks to maintain your results. After two years, another series of 10-12 treatments is recommended to re-boost the previous results.
This treatment may not be suitable for individuals with severe high blood pressure, severe migraines, diabetes, seizures, epilepsy, hepatitis, coronary disease, or those who have recently received Botox or fillers (a three-week wait period is required). Additionally, if you have active skin outbreaks such as hives, eczema, or herpes, we will work around the affected areas to promote healing.