
  • Electro-acupuncture, also known as e-stim or electrical stimulation, involves placing acupuncture needles in the body and connecting certain ones to a battery-powered device that delivers small electrical impulses. This gentle vibration stimulates energy flow through the points, with the advantage of affecting a larger area than the needle alone. The device's frequency and intensity can be adjusted based on the patient and condition, with extensive research and clinical experience guiding the optimal levels for treating various conditions.

  • Electro-acupuncture is effective in treating a wide range of conditions, including arthritis, high blood pressure, neurological diseases, chronic pain, muscle spasms, paralysis, sprains, back pain, infertility, skin conditions, and chemotherapy-related nausea.

  • Most patients feel a pulse, tingling, or warmth during electro-acupuncture, and some find the vibrations deeply relaxing. In some cases, a muscle twitch or contraction is desirable as the pulse comes and goes. Patients are always in control of the intensity, and communication is maintained throughout the treatment to ensure comfort and optimal results.

  • Electro-acupuncture is not recommended for individuals who are pregnant, have heart disease, seizures, strokes, epilepsy, or have pacemakers.