
What is Microneedling?

Microneedling uses a gentle oscillating hand held pen with the insertion of 12 very fine short needles into the sub-epidermal layers for skin rejuvenation. This can offer skin rejuvenation from the simple enhancement of product absorption to the clinical treatment of scars and wrinkles. The fine needles create tiny punctures in the skin to help stimulate collagen and elastin production, blood circulation and tissue regeneration.

Microneedling improves skin texture, minimizes pores, reduces hair loss, stretch marks, rosacea, wrinkles, acne scars, melasma and hyperpigmentation.

How often do I need treatments?

Improvements can be seen just a days after the first treatment. Depending on the area being treated, a series of 4-6 treatments spread 4-6 weeks apart are recommended to experience the full benefits of microneedling.

Results last 3-5 years without maintenance.

Microneedling increases absorption of the herbal serums used during the treatment by 3,000%! You will be given personalized serum to apply for the 24 hours after treatment.

What happens during a Microneedling treatment?

Our process starts with a skin assessment to address your specific concerns. You'll then rest on the treatment table, where a numbing lidocaine cream will be applied to minimize any discomfort during the procedure. While the numbing cream takes effect (approximately 20 minutes), you can relax under the deep-penetrating LED red & blue light, which enhances collagen production at a cellular level. As part of our comprehensive approach, you'll also experience a soothing and grounding acupuncture session during this resting period.

Once the LED red & blue light session and numbing cream have fully taken effect, the microneedling session with the application of topical products will commence. While you continue to rest, a personalized herbal serum will be specially crafted for you. The microneedling itself can be completed in as little as 10 minutes. Following the procedure, you may experience a mild sunburn-like sensation, for which we apply a cooling collagen face mask sheet before you leave for the day.

It's important to note that microneedling significantly enhances the absorption of the herbal serums used during the treatment, increasing it by a factor of 3,000%. As a result, you'll receive a personalized serum to apply in the 24 hours following the treatment for optimal results.

Microneedling Aftercare:

  1. You will likely be sensitive for 12-24 hours after! Plan to lay low.

  2. Sweating can irritate your skin so get your exercise in before treatment and limit exercise afterwards.

  3. Stay out of the sun or cover the area well, and use a mineral sunscreen the following days.

  4. No make up or products.

  5. It will look like your skin is peeling but it’s actually just the serum drying and flaking off. You can just some water to the area to spread the serum out longer.

  6. Use more hyaluronic acid, or the serum created for you when you feel dry and before you go to bed.

  7. No facial soap, just use warm water.

  8. Back to your normal routine 24 hours later!


  1. Microneedling cannot be done on pregnant patients.

  2. Avoid topical acids, retinoids, benzoyl peroxide, waxing, or shaving the area for 24-48 hrs before and after treatment.

  3. Active acne, especially inflammatory lesions, sunburnt skin as well as viral, bacterial, or fungal infections.

  4. Moderate-to-severe chronic skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis.

  5. Immunosuppressed patients, including patients on chemotherapy.

  6. Botox and fillers - must wait at least three weeks after the last treatment.