Irregular or Missing Periods

A regular menstrual cycle serves as an indicator of overall well-being, offering insights through experienced symptoms.

A regular menstrual cycle is within the typical 24-35 day cycle, lasting 3-7 day bleeds, total blood volume of 25-80mL, cranberry-red hue, minimal discomfort, and the absence of clots exceeding pea size. The onset lacks notable symptoms, with a 12-14 day luteal phase between ovulation and bleeding.

A missing cycle, or amenorrhea, extends beyond 90 days, excluding pregnancy, breastfeeding, or medication as causes. Irregular cycles occur within 90 days, however with inconsistent variations in length, bleed duration, intensity, and frequency.

Ovulation stands at the core of the menstrual cycle; bleeding is an inherent byproduct. The distinction between hormonal birth control bleeding and a genuine period lies in the absence of ovulation due to synthetic hormones.

Disruption or absence of menstruation, excluding hormonal birth control, often signals irregularities in the ovulation process. Contributing factors include stress, illness, inadequate nutrition, or medical conditions such as PCOS or HA (hypothalamic amenorrhea) including post-birth control syndrome. The incapacity of the body to ovulate may arise from insufficient resources or an unsuitable environment for conception, irrespective of pregnancy desires.

In traditional Chinese medicine, a balanced and regular menstrual cycle symbolizes harmony in qi, blood, yin, and yang. Through the analysis of menstrual cycle phases and associated symptoms, pattern diagnoses are derived. Traditional Chinese medicine techniques, like acupuncture, herbs, and lifestyle recommendations, are used to reinstate equilibrium in the body.

For instance, symptoms like headaches, irritability, and insomnia during PMS may point to liver qi stagnation, whereas dark, clotty periods may signify blood stasis. The application of traditional Chinese medicine addresses these imbalances, either soothing liver qi stagnation or invigorating blood stasis to alleviate symptoms and create overall well-being.

Getting my patients regular balanced menstrual cycles is very important to me. To see substantial changes it is recommended to have consistent acupuncture treatments, weekly or biweekly depending on symptoms, for at least 3 menstrual cycles. Book a free initial consultation to understand what a treatment plan might look like for you.


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